Ice Coffee

With the fantastic May weather we’re having, here’s some refreshing ice coffee images to keep us cool!

Courvoisier cognac in colourful liquid clouds

Colourful liquid clouds swirl around a bottle of Courvoisier cognac.

It’s a new image on my web site, http://www.markmawson.comcourvoisier

An AOP Award!

Yes!!! I’ve won an AOP Award (Association of Photographers) for my Aqueous Roses liquid series. It’s like winning an Oscar in my industry so I’m so thrilled!


Some recent work with smoke

Here’s a few images from a recent shoot with smoke. The images were shot with a Hasselblad camera and a Phase One IQ3 100MP digital back and the coloured lighting came from Elinchrom flash heads.

Flowers and Swirls

Following on from the Aqueous Roses series, we experimented with some different techniques in liquid photography to create a  series which resemble flowers opening up and the concentric rings of petals. It’s called flower and swirls!